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489 positive customers in 2024

Unlock Global
Freedom with
EU Residence

Unlock Global Freedom with EUResidence

Turn key immiguration solutions for residens permit and

passport in Europe and Latin America

Turn key immiguration solutions for residens permit and passport in Europe and Latin America

Years of experience

2900 +
Successful cases

Wonderful routes





South Africa

Business opportunities in Africa,
Critical Skills Visa

8-12 months


Residence via Single
Permit or Professional Card

4-6 months


Residence via company
setup or employment

6-8 months
Residence via White Card
2-3 months
Residence via company setup
5-6 months


Passport via naturalization

4 years

About Us

We are the leading EU Immigration boutique, and we have helped dozens of high-quality clients like you moved to the country of their dream. We offer help in getting a residence permit leading to passport and family relocation services in Europe and South America.

Unlock your dream life with the leading EU Immigration experts! We specialize in turning dreams into reality, offering tailored services to secure residence permits, guide you step-by-step towards citizenship, and provide comprehensive family relocation support in Europe and South America. Join the dozens of satisfied clients who have transformed their lives with our help. Сontact us now to start your journey to a brighter future!

Customer's reviews

Vadim Belgorod

Project Manager

The story of moving to Paraguay and getting a passport
«Review textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview textReview text.»

Aleksandr Popov

Project Manager

Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet

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